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Engage Demo - Validation


  1. Create a Form called "Person".
  2. Add a text field called "FirstName".
  3. Add a text field called "LastName".
  4. Add a number field called "Age".
  5. Add a radio button field called "Gender" and choose valid options.


  1. In the Globals area, add Option Declare.
  2. Add `Use "VoltScript Testing".


VoltScriptTesting can not only be used for unit / integration testing, it can also be used for validation.

If we suppress the report, we can write unit tests to test the field values. If the tests ran successfully, the document is valid and we can continue saving. If not, we abort saving and return the test failures.

  1. Declare a variable doc as a NotesDocument.
  2. Set it to Source.Document.
  3. Declare a string variable called errors.
  4. Declare a boolean variable called validateAge.
  5. Add error handling to report any error and exit the sub.
  6. Declare a testSuite variable as a new TestSuite, giving it the name "Validate Doc". The name will not be used, but is required.
  7. Add a test to validate that doc.FirstName(0) is more than one character. assertTrue can be used to test the length, using FullTrim() and Len().
  8. Add a test to validate that doc.LastName(0) is not an empty string.
  9. Set the boolean validateAge to the result of a test called "Check age is completed", validating the CStr(doc.Age(0)) is not an empty String.
  10. If validateAge is true, perform three more tests.
    1. Add a test to validate doc.Age(0) is greater than 0.
    2. Add a test to validate doc.Age(0) is less than 110.
    3. Add a test to validate that doc.Age(0) is a whole number. Fraction() is a LotusScript function that returns the fractional portion of a number. (For a whole number, the fractional portion should be 0.)
  11. Add a test to validate doc.Gender(0) is not an empty string.
  12. Set Continue to the result of testSuite.ranSuccessfully().
  13. If continue is False, add code to loop through the results and capture the descriptions for any tests that did not pass.
    1. Add a ForAll loop to iterate over testSuite.results.
    2. For each test, check if the result is not "Passed". If so, Set errors to its existing value, the test description, and a new line.
    3. After the ForAll loop, MsgBox the errors to the user.


You have successfully added validation for the Form. If you add fields or change fields in the future, you just need to add additional tests. No other changes are needed.


If you have subforms and want to validate those separately, it may be preferable to move the QuerySave code to a script library. Alternatively, you could set the TestSuite as a global variable.

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